How do we protect the hair from the sun's rays?

We all know how important it is to apply (and reapply!) sunscreen during the long, hot summer days to prevent skin damage. But did you know that the sun can also damage your hair?
Sun damage can appear in the form of discoloration, dry and brittle strands, broken or split ends, thinning and frizz.
Your hair is especially vulnerable to sun damage if it's fine or light colored. That finer, lighter hair doesn't have the thickness or pigment to protect it from the sun's rays, while darker, coarser hair is usually greasier, and the thickness, darker color, and oiliness help to protecting him. Your hair is also more fragile and prone to sun damage if you have thin, flat or tightly coiled hair. The good news is that you can take precautions to protect your hair from the hot summer sun.
What if you want to be outside in the summer but don't want to have frizzy, dull and damaged hair? Here are our recommendations:
1. Wrap a scarf around your hair, wear a wide-brimmed hat, or cover yourself with an umbrella.
2. Use a product with a sun protection factor specially designed to protect hair from harmful rays.
3. Use hair products and conditioners that are appropriate for your hair color and type, as well as the climate. If you have fine hair, look for a volumizing formula.