Collagen: The Elixir of Youth (part II)

Collagen is the skin care ingredient that cannot be discussed in just one blog, because its importance especially as a skin rejuvenation benefit is more widely developed due to its use.
The various ingredients that stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, in addition to the rejuvenating benefit, we also know the importance of fibers that maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin, helping the skin to recover after injury
Ingredients that stimulate collagen production
Some ingredients can help stimulate or restore collagen, among them are various supplements or diet changes, but also cosmetic products that can help collagen production.
If in the first part we examined products that have collagen, in this part we will examine products that stimulate collagen, here are some of the beneficial ingredients you should look for in cosmetic products to stimulate collagen production
Hyaluronic acid
The substance produced naturally by the body, found in the skin, joints, eyes, it helps the skin to stimulate the health of the skin up to the acceleration of wound healing, and among the benefits we already know a habit has...the synthesis of collagen in the skin, the advantage of such an ingredient is that you can find it in any product in your care routine, regardless of whether we are talking about serums, creams, cleaning products, masks. Hyaluronic acid being the ingredient that helps promote collagen production because it manages to greatly improve the skin even in the wounds around them
Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA)
They help promote collagen Replacing the old fibers with new collagen fibers, the best known AHA acid is glycolic acid which can penetrate the deepest into the skin, it supports collagen production. The ability of AHA acids that result in a special glow on the skin, it supports another side effect of eliminating old collagen fibers that will allow the formation of new fibers instead of the old ones.
Aloe Vera
Used since ancient times to heal and soothe wounds, it is the reason why there is an ingredient that contributes to the increase of collagen production, when it is applied locally because it has been proven that Aloe Vera can slow down the aging process of the skin and retain moisture, ingredients based on aloe vera, especially a gel to treat sunburns or to ease an irritation, in addition to stimulating collagen, will also result in better hydration of the skin and the level of hyaluronic acid together with collagen will double sensitive, the growth of cells that will benefit the skin will be pleasantly felt by Aloe Vera.
The natural alternative to retinol, it accelerates collagen production along with cell regeneration without causing irritation, it is especially ideal for people with sensitive skin, we already know that this ingredient is used to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and signs of aging. Named as "natural retinol", it is a vegetable extract, with the aim of stimulating collagen production, even if it is a substitute for retinol, the difference is that it is less irritating than retinol.
Suggested for those with sensitive skin who cannot tolerate traditional retinol, its anti-inflammatory property allows you to get the stimulation of the skin from retinol without noticing redness.
The anti-aging effect of ginseng has been studied for a very long time, it is absorbed into the skin without causing adverse reactions, being useful in protecting the skin against UV rays, the root of a ginseng contains vitamin D and B12, it makes the circulation of oxygen to be improved. It contributes to the production of collagen, thanks to its properties, the skin with this ingredient keeps its youthful appearance. The ginseng ingredient in cosmetic products also has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent aging and cell renewal.
Also known as vitamin B3, it is the most popular ingredient when it comes to anti-aging products, niacinamide fights wrinkles, even a small percentage of niacinamide is very useful for reducing wrinkles, but even more beneficial is the fact that this ingredient protects us at the same time by the environmental factors to which the skin is exposed
This ingredient forms some proteins that can penetrate the superficial layers of the skin and at the same time transmit signals that contribute to the natural production of important proteins for maintaining health, with their help collagen can be maintained at an optimal level. Elements made up of proteins that are found in cells and tested, act for the organism by "warning" it to produce more collagen, peptides are beneficial ingredients for skin health, because your cells produce specific receptors for this ingredient.
A derivative of vitamin A, it stimulates fibroblasts to produce more types of collagen. It reduces the degradation of collagen that is already in the skin, reduces discoloration, improves elasticity and exfoliates clogged pores so that skin eruptions occur less often. In the skin care regime, it is as important as a sun protection cream, even if the two, retinol and sun protection cream, are pleasant "friends" because both make the skin more sensitive to the sun
C vitamin
One of the most powerful antioxidants, vitamin C being the most effective ingredient to fight skin aging. Local use can help stimulate collagen and elastin production, while reducing wrinkles and fine lines.
In addition, vitamin C also contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage, contributing to the normal formation of collagen.
As we already know, vitamin C is indeed the essential source for the production of collagen and can lead to low levels of collagen without it, due to the cream type products are the most protective for the skin and can produce collagen
We all want younger skin, and collagen products being our salvation because they improve our skin care routine, in addition to skincare ingredients, a good way to increase collagen production is to maintain a healthy diet, with foods as rich in collagen as possible... if you combine the care routine with the appearance of a healthy lifestyle, then you can definitely expect a much younger skin